Today was a good day, I got a few things done including something I’ll post about later but one of the joys of today was the amount of amazing old cars kicking about. Though I didn’t get pictures of everything, I did get a few which I’ll share with you now. My first spot today was a Citroen Dyane that I can only imagine (amongst the three other Citroen’s I saw, a DS, XM & 2CV) was down due to the recent Citroen National Event that was held in Dunedin only a few days previous;

Mean. Love it.
The second sweet car I took some photos of I’ll make a seperate post about shortly but the next one I’ll share here is what appears to be a recently re-painted Toyota Corolla KE26, which is surprisingly well wheeled for Invercargill;

Tidy Corolla Wagon
The next tidy little beast was parked right in front of the Corolla so it made getting a photo quite easy, you’ll see it in the rear shot of the wagon;

Check out that "Lady's" Ass.
…and so the front of the Mini looks as such;

but... you're already IN, Invercargill
As well as these I saw a mint old Holden Wagon and a number of other things that I usually see out and about and so they’ve skipped my mind.
Good day though. Hope you enjoyed the selection.