No, not mine. Sadly.
However, recent postings by brocky41 of both and fame, have brought forth video of a certain KHGC110 that races in the North Island. I’d seen the car on trademe initially, a few years back, just as a road car. Subsequently I saw a few pictures of it via Snoozin who helps out at the Manfeild track, marshalling and such, given him the perfect place to take photographs. However, as nice (though somewhat plain) as it looked in photographs, seeing and hearing it in motion via brocky41‘s video postings, is a different sensation entirely. So I thought that seeing as I’m on a bit of a C110 mission with my own at the moment, I’d use it as further inspiration as well as share it with you. So enjoy the few video’s and pictures that I do have and if you live in the NI, go see it race and commend the chap on his choice of car.

Datsun 240KGT (KHGC110)
Click the ‘More>>’ for .. well, more pictures and the video.