Archive for January 7th, 2010


January 7, 2010

Speaking of RS-Watanabe’s.


Oh mai.

So, you like RS-Watanabe’s and you own a classic Skyline or similar.  Watanabe’s do command quite a premium and perhaps don’t have the same significance that these do;

Mmmm, 8-spoke.

If you’re too lazy to click it to find out more info, what you’re looking at is a 14x8J ’0′ offset Optional Wheel, presumably for use with the PGC10 you’ve just bought.  Nice.  A pair for 50,000JPY starting.  Seems reasonable?


Another Panel Done.

January 7, 2010

The weather in the morning was pretty decent so I got stuck into the C110 again, in the process I destroyed a drill.  No big loss as it was under warranty, replacement drill already received.  Anyway, before it died I managed to finish off the driver’s side door.  The only disturbing part was the pathetic holes made for attaching the door mirror, which were even more ridiculous than on the passenger side, as you might remember;

Yep, all class.

With the door and sill on the driver’s side now done on the car itself, it just leaves the roof and the front scuttle.  Then I’ll get onto the panel’s I’ve already removed, bonnet, boot, front fenders…     Slow process, but shall prove rewarding upon completion.  Looking forward to it.
