Archive for January 26th, 2010

110 Again

January 26, 2010


Another Trial Fitment. It Looks Staunch.

I got a little bit more paint stripping done, this time on the front apron, which as to be expected was riddled with bog also.  However, I neglected to take any photos of it.  Instead after I finished with that I decided it was time to mark out where the flares sit and then how much steel (roughly) is to be cut out.  As you can see, there’s going to be plenty of arch to fill both width and diameter wise.  16′s I think would be ideal in the long run but I’ll only go as small as 15.  I’m thinking though that 8.5″ and 9.5″ might not quite cover it.  I’ll have to play around a bit with my 7.5′s to get an idea of what might be workable.

Anyway!  here’s a basic jist of how much steel has to be cut out… (more…)