Archive for December 15th, 2008

Inspiration & Amusement

December 15, 2008


burntrubbers Turbo Gem

"burntrubber's" Turbo Gem

Every now and then you’ll stumble across a car or two that really makes you think, “Yeah.. that’s why I have cars as a hobby” or alternatively just something that makes you laugh and feel good about random automotive nonsense and the association with some of the people who share the hobby.


Ones that caught the eye

December 15, 2008


Pristine Mitsubishi Starion GSR

Pristine Mitsubishi Starion GSR

From time to time on retro-classics, I’ll be posting a few threads like this.  Basically, for those unfamiliar with most car forums, it’s an entry that displays via photograph, a few cars or car related things that caught my attention, to the point where I either got my cellphone out to capture the moment, or if I had my camera on me, I used that.


S21 Model Variants

December 15, 2008

Over the short course that I’ve owned the Prince, I’ve accumulated a few minor pieces of literature in regards to it, the best of which is a genuine, of the era, Prince Motor Company, Parts Book.

1963 Prince Skyline/Skyway Parts Book

1963 Prince Skyline/Skyway Parts Book

Though obviously not as detailed as a service manual, and not able to tell me a great deal about anything along the lines of production figures, etc.  It has still provided some insight into what was available in the range… (more…)

Brief Introduction.

December 15, 2008

Starting with introductions, as one does.

This blog section will eventually be a contributing (though currently the only) part to a website that I hope will cater for cars and talk about cars, and other automotive related things of a retro and classic nature (as the title suggests). Though I love all things automotive, I do inparticularly enjoy the aesthetics and characteristics of cars from a pre-1990 era.
