Archive for October 13th, 2009

FT-86, Levin Notch?

October 13, 2009

Not retro at all other than the potential lineage, however, everyone else was jumping on the band-wagon so I figured, hell!  why not!?  P-shopped a Levin notch from the original concept of the FT-86;

Could have used more time and effort, I got bored.

Could have used more time and effort, I got bored.



Cars in Smash Palace

October 13, 2009

Some may remember my post a while back featuring screen captures of some of the vehicles in “Sleeping Dogs” well, same again but from the NZ film, Smash Palace this time around.  Though Smash Palace was made in 1981, the predominant cars are obviously from the 70′s and earlier in the movie.  The filming took place at Horopito Motors, NZ’s most well known wrecker for the most part due to the part played in the film.  Enough blather, onto the cars.
