Oh hell yes!
I was browsing through YAJ yesterday and happened upon this…

Surge that!
What a weird looking plenum, I thought to myself. I couldn’t help but click on the link to invesigate further. Then all of a sudden it became obvious what was going on. Check the bolt spacing on the mating side of the plenum.

What do you suppose that's for then?
That’s right! It looks as though it would mate directly onto a set of triple carbs, does it not? Which means it’s an awesome HKS Carb Turbo plenum, which would give you the option to make you car into something like.. DUN DUN DUN!

L31 TT

Wangan Midnight, baby!
Yeah, that’s badass. However, I imagine the 50,000JPY starting bid might put a lost of westerners off. 50k Yen is about $850.00NZD at the current exhange rate. Yikes! Still, if you’re keen, here’s the link;
Copy it, send an email to Ewan @ Hayatonka.com and get yourself a piece of history.