Lately whilst browsing for DR30s on the internerds I’ve noticed a rather startling trend: the majority of ‘em have either Longchamp XR4s, Formula Mesh, Impul G5s, or Watanabe RS-8 wheels fitted. And to be honest I’m guilty of perpetuating this trend myself, as I happen to have a set of meshies on the coupe and some RS-8s lying around which are to one day find themselves on squid…
on a whim I stuck my Work Ewing-IIIs on Tardme the other day – while I’m not expecting them to sell in any big hurry, it got me thinking about what I could purchase from Japan to “fill the void” as alternative rims for either of my Skylines. So off to Yahoo Auctions Japan I went, with the criteria being that the replacement wheels had to be 15″, minimum width 6J, available as a full set of 4 for under 50,000 yen, and NOT any of the styles mentioned above.
In other words, Different!
Option 1: (more…)