With most everything in recent time posted on RC being of a classic Japanese nature, I thought I should try bring back a little bit of balance and what better way to do so than to show you the second car I owned (the first was a 1978 Chrysler Avenger 1600GL/S).
You’ll have to excuse the quality of the pictures, they were taken back in 2002 with an old AGFA digital camera, as cool and handy as the camera was, it didn’t have a great colour depth, irrespective of that you still get a legible image and so here it is in all it’s glory;
1976 Ford Escort MkII 2door
As you can see, it was in pretty good condition. There were some cover-ups by the previous owner(s) but certainly nothing dramatic, at least not as far as an Escort goes. It was 4spd, floor-shift with the optional disc brakes up front. Not that it could really go so fast that you would need the disc brakes. I still think putting some spotlamps behind the grille was the best idea. It kept the car looking clean and then come night-time when the factory headlamps were decidedly average a flick of the switch would illuminate the road and everything else infront of you, including police cars when you forget they were on when driving about in town and you subsequently get pulled over. It was a fun car to drive even if it wasn’t as quick as my old Avenger. Here’s a few more pictures of it, (more…)