Archive for June 3rd, 2009

Hello all, my name is Alex but I’m better known on the internet as Durty.

I figured I would write a wee introduction about me and the cars i have owned.

I owned a 1984 Toyota Starlet, followed by a Civic, Sentra and a Cordia

Then one day kyteler posted a link on to a trademe auction for my first Volvo, a 1978 Volvo 264. I managed to buy it for $215 and never actually did anything with it due to it blowing a headgasket and some idiots biffing rocks through the windows

but now i was hooked, two 1982 244′s followed in quick succession


came across this video on YouTube and thought to myself, “hey that music sounds familiar…” – turns out it’s a clip from Over Drivin’ GT-R, the Japan-only version of The Need For Speed which replaces all of the vehicles with Nissan Skylines. would love a copy for myself (just for the kitsch factor) but I don’t have a Sega Saturn.

and to pad it out here’s a bonus ’80s sportscar bonanza vid: