Alex shared this website with me a few weeks back, not really his thing he didn’t feel compelled to make a blog entry about it, I however thought it would be ideal to do so. Despite the title, it’s essentially a site dedicated to conversion in British cars, be they 4, 6 or 8 or otherwise (there’s bound to be a rotary conversion on there somewhere, surely) This first one I’ll show you is the one that caught my attention up front, especially being that when you think conversion into an MG or some such, you tend to think Rover V8. Not this car though, this is a whole different tack that likely offends a lot of the MG faithful.

1962 MGA MkII
Externally, it appears as any other MGA, even if you take a closer look around it, you’d think that. It’s not until you see what’s under the bonnet that you realise it isn’t your average MGA (more…)