Some of you will have seen it mentioned if you read these entries a bit, that Ewan of, (the New Zealander living in Japan who will help you get almost anything you want from there) has a MkII Celica Supra. I mentioned it somewhere in a previous post. A while ago, Ewan sent me a bunch of photos of it (I promptly forgot until now, such is my memory) at which point I realised that I had actually seen the car before, many moons ago on a Toyota site or some such, it’s quite the recognisable car. I’m sure you will agree. Firstly, this lump sits nestled under the modified bonnet;

Super-charged 1UZ Toyota V8
As you can see from the height that the supercharger sits, it required a somewhat abnormal addition for a sleek Japanese 80′s vehicle, though an entirely common one for something from American shores… (more…)