Pleasant Surprise

April 8, 2009

Yesterday evening I received a phone-call, the man on the other end was the driver of a freight truck.  I informed him of the place to put the freight, knowing well that my brother would be home in a few minutes to make sure everything remained safe and sound.  I got off the phone with a large grin on my face.  You see the freight that had made it’s way to me today (very promptly and very well priced, I might add.  Thanks goes out to EFFICIENT Moving & Storage, MANA Transport & Richard (Snoozin)) was this;

Ooooh, presents!

Ooooh, presents!

What magical things lay inside the wrap?  Well that would be these: (more…)

What I thought I would do over the next few days is sample a few choice selections available on the Japanese “Goo-net” website, available for purchase, if you have that kind of coin.  Typically, I’ll try and show some of those cars that aren’t particularly common to see available in NZ.  Being I have mostly owned Nissan’s myself, I thought I would start from there, so here goes…

Front 3qtr

Front 3qtr of Nissan Cedric with C110 Skyline in the background


A Lust For Rust

April 6, 2009

When a few of my options for an April feature car fell through, I got a few mates to make some suggestions and they were all good ones and ones I’ll keep in mind for future months, however during the same time span I received a message from a good guy on the forums, by the nickname of Raizer, asking whether I would be interested in featuring a VW Beetle on my site that belonged to a friend of his.  The timing was perfect.  I needed a car and what’s not to like about a Beetle?  So I got him to send me some info and some photos and here we are now and here is the car itself;

The Garage, filled with Beetle

The Garage, filled with Beetle

The Beetle belongs to Kev his plans for it include a 1600 twin port engine with twin carbs utilizing either a Skat racing or Bosch 009 dizzy, lowering catered for in typical dub style with a beam adjuster up front and turned down splines in the rear to keep things evenly slammed.



Alright, some of you might be aware of the Flawless track day.  If you’re not, it’s on this post here;

Flawless Trackday Planned – 21st June 09

The latest on this is that the deposit has been made.  If you want to attend get your payments in ASAP, the details for doing so can be seen here;

FLAWLESS Trackday Information

DO IT!  Don’t miss out.

PDL Mustang (the first)

April 2, 2009

Regular readers will remember my small photo entry on PDL Mustang II.  This entry is to cater for the first PDL Mustang,  which although no longer in it’s livery (due to reasons that were mentioned that I’ve subsequently forgot) is still a formidable looking machine.  These photographs were taken back in 2006 at the Teretonga Classic Speed Fest.  As you can see, the massively wide guards and wheel & tyre combo to fit said guards give the car quite an amazing stance.  It’s still sitting period typical with nose down and bum up, but looks sweet for it.

PDL Mustang

PDL Mustang
