Archive for June, 2010

Folks may recall this post last week about my friend Shaun, whose four year $20k+ project V8 KHR31 met an untimely end on the road to Taupo on the 31st of May in what can only be described as a freak accident.

Since then, the amount of support received from the wider interwebs and real-life communities has been nothing short of staggering. I’m also pleased to report that both Wal (Shaun’s father) and Reubs were discharged from hospital late last week and are well on the road to recovery, although they both gotta take it easy for the next few months!

But equally as staggering was the amount of money raised by the denizens of GP Forums to be put towards a new KHR31 shell for Shaun. As of last Thursday over $3500 had been donated and the total continues to climb.

Well folks, without further ado… I present to you the vehicle that Ewan @ hayatonka was able to purchase with the money raised. This is what 200,000 yen and a bit of dedication will get you:

1986 GTS-X Skyline coupe, take two

And I guess the only word I have to describe Ewan’s contribution to the whole saga thus far is… LEGENDARY. This should become apparent once you read his latest blog entry, situated here.

(…if that wasn’t awesome enough, Ewan’s also supplied a whole gallery of photos from the Toyota meet at Fuji, which either Michael or myself will cover in detail in another blog post later this week!)

There will definitely be a story to tell once the KHR31 arrives on our shores, and speaking of which: all that’s left to do now is settle the bill, get all the dereg and export paperwork sussed, and then it shall be rolled into a container along with the rest of Ewan’s customers’ latest acquisitions to be sent down under. Stay tuned for MOAR! TALES! OF! INTEREST!

Read Ewan’s blog @ »

So, I finally got around to getting the replacement boot/ducktail spoiler for my C110 from Yahoo! Auctions Japan (cheers Ewan! (, not long before finding out that I need to get a new job.   Probably for the better in that who the hell knows when I would have been able to afford it if I didn’t dive right in when the Yen was at horrific 60 to a single NZD woes.

Here’s a quick preview of it on it’s own, taped in place for the time being.

Quack, Quack Quack.

The difference between the appropriate spoiler and the GMH Torana GTR-XU1 version that was on there, is IMMENSE.  You’d not think it would be all that bad having a slightly different one on there but having now sat the proper one on, I can safely be disgusted by myself for keeping the other on there for so long.

More pictures in the coming days, including one or two of the rest of the FRP taped in place and the SSR Longchamp XR4′s on as well.  It gives a decent glimpse of what will be the temporary “end” result (until the appropriate wheels are found and bought, not to mention the oodles of rust repair that still need done).  Still, it’s nice to see things somewhat taking shape, provides good motivation to continue along the replica 110GT-R route.

Again, huge thanks goes out to Ewan @ Hayatonka for all his assistance in attaining these bits and bobs for me.  Now, if I can get myself another job to be able to pay for the rust and engine work, I’ll finally be living with the copious amounts of awesome that a 110GT-R replica provides.


You might recall a post I made a little while ago about the Crazy Octopus and it’s progression from FC -> S30, where I left it, there was still some work to do and the iconic octopus itself had not yet made it onto the car.  This has now changed, not only is the Octopus now on the S30Z the suspension is well on the way to being finalised, if not being there already.   So without further delay, I present to you…

THE OCTOPUS (he is crazy)

You can see more shots of the Octopus on the car on Zach’s flickr account “here“, where you will also see such things as his installation of plexiglass in the doors as well as other sweet things like sorting out the ride height; (more…) »

The thread on GP Forums »

long story short, my mate Shaun spent four years and over $20,000 putting his V8 Skyline coupe together (it was one of the very first Nissan VH41DE conversions attempted worldwide, and the only KHR31) – he’s very meticulous when it comes to researching and building stuff. Yesterday was meant to be the GTS-8′s maiden voyage around Taupo racetrack, but instead not 20km from Taupo the tow van got its death sway on and ended up flipping multiple times, as well as the car trailer… with Shaun’s car strapped to it :shock:

This photo makes me a sad panda

Words cannot express how absolutely gutting this is, but fortunately no one was killed and no other vehicles were involved – Shaun’s dad and his friend Reuben were injured but are on track to making a full recovery.

however the power of the internets continues to amaze… (more…)