
During the blog downtime last week, I received a message in my inbox from a couple in Malaysia who had contacted me to show me their C110 Project, they had been given my email address by Ewan ( whose contact details they had received by reading this entry “Want to buy from YAJ? Here’s How” many months ago, doing such they managed to attain a few parts through Ewan from Yahoo! Auctions Japan which they then have shipped to Singapore (where they work) before embarking on a coach ride back, with the items, to where they live in Ipoh (that’s a 6 hour journey).  A 6 month process to date sees the short wheel base, 4cylinder car, looking fantastic;

Clean and Beautiful in White.


So, seeing as the site seems to be working again (whether it did it on it’s own or Ed fixed it, I’m not sure) I might as well post about this little sucker that I bought off the other day.

The seller had originally bought it himself under the impression it was a Cortina GT badge, luckily for me, it was nothing to do with the blue oval.

The 1st Red GT Shield that adorned the S54B Skyline GT

Choice, little bits of Skyline history are always good.  it’s likely I’ll never be able to get my hands on a whole S54 so I’ll make do with the badge.

You can read a little more about when this GT badge came about on the Skyline History entries I wrote, in particular.  This one:  Skyline History, Part 5.


This is without doubt one of the nicest KPGC10s I’ve ever seen. From the pure white bodywork subtly accented by the black fender flares, to the dished bronze Watanabes, to the simple chin spoiler and rear ducktail, to the hint of a cage through the windows – everything about this car just screams “Perfect!” to me.

GT-R 1 (by dez&john3313)

Me likey.

And no, I like it at its current height – any lower and I don’t think it’d look as purposeful.

found on flickr

Wait... What?

I think this is possibly one of the coolest conversions I’ve ever seen.  Take 1x Y30 Cedric Wagon and graft on bits from a 720 Pickup.  Not only does it suit it right down to the ground on the face of it, but the detail done to the rear is also very staunch looking…


So, I sent an email to my friend Ewan ( – the link is on the left) about some photos he took at a show he was at recently.  He had rang me whilst he was there and was quite excited about what was available.  He sent me some pictures of said show but also gave me a link to another photo gallery, the viewing of which saw me picking my jaw up off the floor, as such, I had to share it with you all.

新和自動車 & Classic Car Nagoya

Sure, at first glance it’s a bunch of modern vans & a sweet Isuzu Bellett, but look a bit deep behind that Isuzu.  Click the picture if you have to….   if you still can’t tell, then carry on through.
