Random Retro Snap

With Rally New Zealand 2010 just around the corner, today’s random retro snap is brought to you by the letters W, R and C.

Spotted in Japan – a meticulously recreated Familia WRC replica. The livery commemorates the 1989 Swedish Rally, where the BFMR famously took 1st place in the hands of driver Ingvar Carlsson (who sadly passed away in 2009). However, oddly enough, if you look closer this particular replica actually bears the decals of second works team driver Timo Salonen…


1989 was in fact a good year for Mazda Rally Team Europe, as Carlsson also went on to win Rally New Zealand later in the season, no doubt helping to kickstart this nation’s obsession with the Familia!

I sometimes dream of building an ’80s rallycar replica of my own, but it ain’t gonna happen anytime soon…

So, I sent an email to my friend Ewan (www.hayatonka.com – the link is on the left) about some photos he took at a show he was at recently.  He had rang me whilst he was there and was quite excited about what was available.  He sent me some pictures of said show but also gave me a link to another photo gallery, the viewing of which saw me picking my jaw up off the floor, as such, I had to share it with you all.

新和自動車 & Classic Car Nagoya

Sure, at first glance it’s a bunch of modern vans & a sweet Isuzu Bellett, but look a bit deep behind that Isuzu.  Click the picture if you have to….   if you still can’t tell, then carry on through.


Click for full scale.