After the entry about the Dukes of Hazzard replica that went all pear shaped, I got all nostalgic for Mopar’s and thought I would have a dig through my various photo albums to see just what pictures I had of such beasts that I could share with you all. These are what I came up with, just from a previous few events I’ve been to recently, obviously these weren’t Mopar Nationals or any such thing, just the rare Mopar few that attended Race Events as spectator cars, as well as a few race versions. With a few taken at the “Horsepower Heaven” show.
Perhaps my favourite, a Dodge Dart that was spectator at the recent NZV8 Race Series, Teretonga 200 Event. You can see more from said event from my entry, here.

Dodge Dart

Dodge Dart
With the Dart being a bit of a special find, it’s now onto your more regular NZ found, Chrysler fare…

Chrylser Valiant's Lining Up to Drag

Street Legal Charger Drag Car

All three similarly aged Valiants at the event.

Vailant Hardtop Gasser
All of the above shot were taken at the Alexandra Blossom Festival Drag races, I didn’t take too many more despte the decent showing of older cars. I spent most of that day in my mates BNR32 trying to avoid getting turned into crispy chicken by the clear skies and hot sun.


Rear of the Valiant HT that housed the epic HEMI above.

E38 Charger. Aussie Muscle with a 6.

Signature rear end of the Aussie Chargers

Challenge(r) accepted

A common site to many a Ford of the era, I'm sure.

American Charger, Altogether larger than the Aussie Counter-part

Impressive rear, the overall shape of these is almost awkward though.

Polara, Less Impressive from the front.

Awesome from behind.
Horsepower Heaven, the name of the car show where these cars were on display, was mostly filled with Ford’s. Which would be fine had there not been a line of generic boring as hell everyone on the planet seems to have one Mustang’s. Seems to be the law nowadays.

Plymouth GTX

GTX rear, shades of butaketsu? Or is that just me?
We’ll round it up with this R/T Charger, stalking it’s prey in the grass.

69 Charger

Charger, rear.
The last few car were again from the Teretonga 200 meeting. With the Classic Speed Fest. coming up, I shall no doubt have a whole new gallery hosted from various shots, racing and stationary of as much of the field on as many days as my camera and little body will allow me. So keep an eye out if you like these, because there WILL be more Chrysler’s. I can almost guarantee it! (almost)