The turnout for this meeting did appear to be quite on the low side. The conflict of dates around this time of year likely doesn’t aid attendance numbers but it’s good to see a few cars and the people who dig ‘em out and about. I’ll be able, myself, to attend this one year. However distant in the future that might be, I guess the longer it takes the more likely I am able to bring the Prince as opposed to the Kenmeri. AAAAAAAaaaannnyhoo;
With that done, I’ll round this out by a few more shots of the other cars you’ve already seen.
With that we come to the end. All photographs in this post were taken and shared by Richard Opie, you may remember him from such cars as; AlfaSud, Toyota Starlet, Triumph 2500 (x2), Honda Integra, Torneo and some I’ve likely forgotten. Cheers for the pictures man.