I’m constantly surprised and disappointed by the number of inaccuracies that seem to pop up in many Speedhunters articles, especially to do with Japanese nostalgic vehicles. For example, check out this recent piece on Sumo Power’s DR30 Skyline. Can you spot the incredibly glaring error straightaway?

Loyal readers, this is a DR30 Skyline... or is it?
That’s right, it’s a HR30, not a DR30. Complete with autobox, plush button seats, and L20ET under the hood.
In the spirit of proper journalism, I wonder if they’ll issue a correction – as judging from the comments section, a lot of their readers just plain don’t know better either. Someone even mistakes it for a HR31 and pastes a trademe link to a GTS-X. Now I see why Michael got so hot under the collar that last time Speedhunters referred to the C10 chassis as the “first ever Skyline”…
Actually the most maddening part is wondering whether the owner of the above HR30 knows that it’s not actually a DR30, or if he’s been horrendously misled? I know I would be rather indignant if some chump sold me a car under false pretenses.
I can forgive Speedhunters the odd little inaccuracy such as saying all JZX100s were turbocharged (they weren’t), but sometimes things like this are too hard to ignore – especially when it’s a popular blog with a huge following worldwide. Sort it the fuck out, guys!
some not all speed hunters articles are good, but the inaccuracies are just a piss off, maybe its the fact that a major majority ( sp? ) of the columists are american, and as they dont get the models that we get over here they assume, which is the mother of all fuck ups as we all know………..but with this werid thing we call the internet with pages apon pages of info how can you still get it wrong………….would love to find that page on jzx100′s tho so i can kindly point them in the right dirrection
I believe you’ll find it’s become commonplace for Speedhunters. Inaccuracy is fun though, right? The best part about it is that they seem to pay absolutely no heed to any of the comments posted regardless, so even if someone comments with a correction, they blatantly ignore it.
In fact, if you go back to when they initially mentioned this R30 in the Sumo Power workshop, it was commented on then and there that is was not a DR but rather an HR. Apparently the only part of this that Speedhunters cared about was the part that people wanted to see more of the car. Not with the correct information, just more pictures.
Oooh look, shiney!
I guess you could give them a break in that they didn’t get the model, if perhaps it wasn’t some fancy lah-de-dah millions of viewers website with EA backing. However, it is exactly that. What happened to the editor? Is he dead?
Meh, it’s one of many MANY mistakes that go without correction on their part. The frequency of which is increasing. Nothing like spreading the ignorance.
Farrrrrrrrrk, it’s Speedhunters, they can do what they want
Like America?
No wonder I’m not a big fan of speedhunter
On one hand I have to agree with you that the inaccuracies are annoying but on the other hand I have to admit that I am debit to making mistakes on that subject… I don’t live in Japan nor a RHD country, so the wide variety of all different JDM models may confuse us a bit. All I can say is we try to do our best! But I must say that this Skyline is obviously a HR30!
About the “more pictures” remark: that’s the only thing in mind for the average Speedhunters “reader”.
we all make mistakes, it’s just a part of life. But to not even bother issuing a clarification or correction when something is misreported and people point it out, well that’s just lazy and arrogant.
as Michael and others elsewhere have mentioned, when you wield as much influence over a particular ‘scene’ as these guys do, you should always ensure that your facts are as accurate as possible!
I think the point that needs to be realised is that it’s no big deal, regardless of whether you’re a Nissan fan or not. Really, why does it matter?
They wouldn’t have made the correction because it’ll be forgotten instantly, and will make no difference to anything at all. Someone will price their HR30 as a DR30, someone will advise them of their error, life will continue. Arrogant? At an absolute unreasonable stretch. I understand the principle, that they shouldn’t make a habit of such things, but this is exceedingly minor.
Whether they have influence over the scene or not is also a non-fact (made that up). Do you care whether people who are influenced by a website know the difference between a defunct model of Skyline? I hope not.
I’m trying not to have a go, I get frustrated when people don’t know seemingly basic things, but I try keep it to important things.
Why is it not a big deal, Eliot? In this instance, it’s BASIC code recognition. If they had said “R30″ no drama, that covers their bases but they specified the engine code and the specification they used was incorrect. Individually, it is minor. It’s not this single error that’s the issue it’s the collective mass of issues. Sure, this was Nissan and R30 specific, so Ed and I and many other enthusiasts could pick it out easily as an error. Though what about the scenarios that we’re much less familiar with? If something as “simple” as this can go uncorrected then what other misinformation is prevalent in their undertakings? I’ve spotted more than a few even just recently and that’s only stuff I bother reading as it’s of interest to me. What’s going unchecked in those other modern garage larks what I don’t bother to even skim over? Who knows.
The point is that they’re a huge website, which you would want to believe had the resources to make sure things went out correct and in the event that they didn’t at least they should remedy their posts when given the correction. It’s an internet blog type magazine for fucks sake, their mistakes in one way show how simplistic it is to write a blog and yet they don’t continue in the simplicity that allows them to correct said mistakes. It’s not like the articles have gone “to print”, is it?