Not really retro or classic but I have huge love for the S13 Silvia and whilst browsing what was available ex-Japan (cheaper than the ridiculous prices locals ask for their cars) I stumbled upon this old track warrior;
How freakin’ cool would it be to own this? If my poor translation of the text is to be believed, for reasons unknown it’s FJ20-powered ex-DR30. It also triggers memories of modifying cars to “Race-spec” on Gran Turismo and ending up with this exact wide-body setup. Love it.
It could be yours too, for a cool 2,500,000JPY
My brief attempt to find any photos of it racing resulted in massive doses of fail. I did find a tiny photo that showed the NISMO Calsonic 32 leading a different S13 around a corner but that’s about it asides from a diecast with this wide-body. If anyone has any luck with GT-300 photographs showing one of these kitted 13′s or this particular one racing, let me know! In the meantime, here’s the auction…