Automotive History

Guess the Car

October 6, 2009

Should probably give a clue that it was only a prototype.  I can think of at least one person who may well know.

The Travels of a Two-Stroke

September 18, 2009

It’s always interesting finding out the history of your cars.  I’ve been lucky enough that all my classics of recent time have come with their original ownership papers.  Where things were all… dun dun dun, HAND WRITTEN! between the owners.

The latest purchase, my 1974 Daihatsu Max, to my surprise has actually been around and about the country quite a bit, as you can see here on the papers;

Removed the owner’s details for privacy’s sake.  As you can see those, started by being sold brand new in Henderson, then onto Glenfield, then Milford then Grey Lynn.  All very Auckland up until the 5th owner at which point it starts moving further south.  Sadly to Tauranga.  However, owner 9 is a car sales from where it was sold to a family where it appears to have stayed within though through various owners until these ownership papers ran out of space.  It was within that family that it made the move from Tauranga to Balclutha.  Quite the distance from the top section of the North Island to near the bottom of the South.  From there it’s made it’s way further south and now in my Ownership, it’s as close to the south of the south as you’d want it to be.  Any further south and it’s likely to suffer salt damage from the sea breezes in the likes of Bluff or Riverton.  All this leads to a genuine 88000kms on the car, pretty impressive for a two-smoke and you can understand why it needs sorted now.


Those regular readers will be well aware of my recent purchase of a classic Kei car, the 2cylinder Daihatsu Max (360, Cuore, Fellow) in two door form.  Well I’m not the only C110 owner to have recently delved into the classic Kei realm.  Today’s entry will tell tale of Tony (fellow C110 hardtop owner) and his new toy.  That the size of a toy.

And to tell the tale of the discovery and ownership is the owner himself.  So get your read on! and enjoy the rest of the photographs and video along the way. ;) (more…)

Mysterious thing.

September 11, 2009

So it would seem that Michael and I received our respective parcels from hayatonka within a few days of each other, because today I arrived at work to find an EMS delivery sitting in the logistics area addressed to me.

Ewan said I was gonna chuckle heartily upon seeing the box my stuff was packed in, and he was right. Problem is, so did the rest of the office!

my t-top shades arrived from Japan. In this box. People got the wrong idea.


Gifts from Japan

September 11, 2009

A few days ago, I got a txt from my brother to tell me there was a courier delivery card at his place for an item that had failed to be delivered.  My curiosity peaked.  I wasn’t expecting anything, what the hell could it be!?

Later that day I got an email from Ewan (, the link on the top left column) to tell me he’d sent the last little die-cast I had bought a while ago, as well as a few other little goodies that I might enjoy, as a gift for the extra traffic his website has received from mine and from the people I’ve directed towards him.   I was of course, happy to help and expected not to receive such things in return so I was intrigued as to what they might actually be!

The next day (being I have been ill the last few) I scurried down to the CourierPost depot with the tracking number my brother had txt me and claimed my parcel from Japan, scurried back home and ripped it open to find many fine things, starting with the little die-cast I had almost forgotten about;

So official right now

So genuine right now.
