Authors Cars

If I were a rich man

November 22, 2009

…I would buy these NOS roof visors (aka monsoons) for the KDR. 30,000 yams (NZ$466) is what they’re going for, which is a bit on the ridiculous side if I’m honest.


But I’m not feeling particularly rich this month having spent quite a bit on the TX3, so I’ll have to pass. Maybe I’ll get lucky and score some 2nd hand ones for a fraction of the cost if they happen to turn up on YAJ.

also spotted this trawl: one genuine brand-new DR30 tail light lens. I didn’t even know you could replace them independently of the tail light housing, but I guess it’s possible with some patience (or if you know a panelbeater willing to undertake the job for you). Start price is 10,000 yen (NZ$156)

I like new old things. Don't you?

MAX Progress!

November 19, 2009

With much and many thanks to Ewan from, I have had the parts to put the engine in the Daihatsu Max back together for a week or two, the only problem is that the weather decided it did not want to assist me with this…                …until yesterday that is!  So with the first sunny day devoid of wind, having the morning off on a Wednesday proved to be ideal.  I dropped my partner off at around half eight in the A.M, came home and got stuck into it;

Step 1:

Step 1: Remove Old Lower Gasket

The gasket came off surprisingly easily.  I thought it would rip like a son of a chicken, thankfully I pulled it off gently and it managed to be extracted in one piece… (more…)


November 18, 2009

Having only owned the car for the last 9 days this wasn’t as impressive as it could have been but still given it’s age, it’s pretty cool;

First Time Round

First Time Round

I deliberately flicked the trip-meter to 8888 as well for DRAMATIC EFFECT! Will almost be a shame when it rolls over to zeroes but cars are made to be driven.


How could I not?  New purchase and all…

Right Click and “Save Target/Link As…” or just click it to view the full size (1600×1200) and then save it from there.

S47 日産 セドリック – 1972 Datsun 260C H230


You may have noticed from the post a few days ago that I have a new (old) car.  Perhaps more accurate to say that I have another car.  It seems I can’t help myself though I’m sure had the same opportunity arisen in your daily grind, you’d have done the same thing.

1972 Datsun 260C (S47 日産 セドリック)

1972 Datsun 260C (S47 日産 セドリック)

For those who have not been told, the following is the (brief?) story of how this amazing example of a 260C came into my possession…
