Authors Cars


I’ve been doing little bits and pieces on the 110 again lately.  I decided it would be easy to move it around if I hooked up everything to the L28 for it and put the transmission and the rest of the crap back in.  It’s taking a little while, mostly because the weather is shit and working in a cold garage in shit weather, is not fun.  I’ve got the flywheel and clutch all swapped over, the gearbox in, the slave cylinder all bled up and operating again.  The good news is that when i was checking clearances again today, with the gearbox on and everything bolted close to final measurements, I’ve discovered that I need not make any allowances on the headers for the steering linkages.  Yussss.  I did also note however that I need new outer rod ends.  Boo.

Still, here’s pictoral evidence of my pissing about…

L6 on Trips, can't wait.


With a few blips of the throttle thrown in for good measure… I should really invest in a better microphone. Either that, or not record stuff to my iPod :D

Love the little ‘burble’ in the exhaust note, Michael once described it as sounding “like the car was underwater”. L20ETs have a similar sound if you listen closely.

not long to go before I begin the big boost build…

Just $5000NZD (€2800EU, $3800USD, £2400GBP , 13800QAR, руб110401RUB, RM11400MYR, ¥316000JPY excl. Transport & Shipping) and it’s yours.  I don’t care where in the world it goes, I’m not Carmen Sandiego.

Just Beachy

I want to get my C110 sorted desperately and so I need to sell this.  You’d be buying an awesome car as well as helping out another awesome car.  Is there a greater gift?

No.  There is not.

…and here’s the entry from when I bought it;


…so we put a Skyline on your Skyline.

Model cars rule!

Maybe 2011 will be it’s year.  Here’s hoping as currently it’s languishing away in the garage looking very sorry for itself;

"...but they didn't make Skylines in 1973"

Donations accepted?
