Random Retro Snap

Sunday drive

February 7, 2010

Been having more intermittent fueling issues with the KDR30 lately (ever since Japmeat). This time it literally sounds like the factory Nissan pump is on its way out, with its incessant groaning and buzzing. Which is fine by me since I was planning to replace it with a Bosch 910 anyway… but still, annoying.

today the pump was behaving for once, so after a quick vehicle detail I went for a nice leisurely Sunday drive with camera in hand. Lately I’ve been doing a lot of shooting with manual-focus Olympus prime lenses from the late ’70s-early ’80s, and the results have been nothing short of impressive considering all of these optics are over 25 years old. much like the coupe!

kdr30 industrial '10 (by decypher the code)

Iron Nose'd

kdr30 industrial '10 (by decypher the code)

could do with more slam?


During one of his many excursions into the country delivering things, my friend Adrian stumbled upon a rather interesting find.  Amongst a sea of engineering metal, was a lime green glow.  Further inspection revealed it to be a Gen I, Honda Civic.  Connections were made with the owner and within moments, for the price of 24-Pack, the Civic had a new owner.  The only problem was it needed moved which was tricky in that several components had already been pilfered from it, the most important of which was the Steering Wheel and indeed the rest of the Wheels!  It was organised that the engineering firm would place the car on a pallet and then that pallet would be placed on a trailer and Robert’s your parents Sibling.

That’s where I come in.  Adrian had recently sold his car that had been equipped with a tow-bar which left the job to me and the wonderful H230.  I could think of nothing better than using a classic to tow a classic so in the morning before working my evening shift we ventured out to pick up the car where I was greeted with this sight;

Awesomeness Incarnate

Ready to be hauled off;

Your Chariot Awaits!



January 20, 2010

Today was a good day, I got a few things done including something I’ll post about later but one of the joys of today was the amount of amazing old cars kicking about.  Though I didn’t get pictures of everything, I did get a few which I’ll share with you now.  My first spot today was a Citroen Dyane that I can only imagine (amongst the three other Citroen’s I saw, a DS, XM & 2CV) was down due to the recent Citroen National Event that was held in Dunedin only a few days previous;

Mean. Love it.

The second sweet car I took some photos of I’ll make a seperate post about shortly but the next one I’ll share here is what appears to be a recently re-painted Toyota Corolla KE26, which is surprisingly well wheeled for Invercargill;

Tidy Corolla Wagon

The next tidy little beast was parked right in front of the Corolla so it made getting a photo quite easy, you’ll see it in the rear shot of the wagon;

Check out that "Lady's" Ass.

…and so the front of the Mini looks as such;

but... you're already IN, Invercargill

As well as these I saw a mint old Holden Wagon and a number of other things that I usually see out and about and so they’ve skipped my mind.

Good day though.  Hope you enjoyed the selection.


First Minkara spam of ’10

January 14, 2010

Because it’s apparently the best way to generate hits for your blog! Just spam multitudinal images from all over the show! Yeh boi! S I V E R R I D oh wait.

Let us start, then, with a mint-as-all-hell R31 wagon.

R31 Wagon


Decrepit Cedric

December 30, 2009

Summer driving through the country-side always yields some interesting results, such as this 330-series Datsun 260C laying in what looks like it’s final resting place.
