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Kumeu Hotrod Show

January 23, 2009

Ah yes, that time of year has rolled around again, whilst still in the throws of summer it is car show time and these first few months of the year are especially busy, the first important one is of course the Kumeu show.

Though this year it’s weekend conflicted with a newly organised Japanese Classic Car Meet in Auckland which is only in it’s second year.  (We will have coverage of this posted sometime later in the week)

With much thanks to be given, spread, endured or otherwise to Mr. Lee Boe of the forums, we here at retro-classics have for you a selection of photos of the fine machinery that was on offer at the show.  It is most definitely an event I plan on attending at some point, however, this time it was not to be and so I requested the assistance of Mr. Lee in order to have something to show you peeps who read retro-classics, what you also may have been unfortunate enough to miss out on.

The Kumeu Hotrod & Classic Show is an annual event and it runs over the course of a few days and unless you were entirely sad (like me) then it would be hard to get pictures of the whole range of cars that attend, Lee has however done a fantastic job of showcasing the variety.

So without further delay (other than having to click the “More” link) here’s a sample of the 15th National Kumeu Classic Car & Hot Rod Show;


Euro Flavour

January 22, 2009

One of the best websites for checking out shows and happenings of a european nature, is the website.

They incorporate event galleries as well as forums into their site and are well known for having a fantastic selection of European cars. Though a lot are more modern there’ s a healthy mix of older steel in there too.

VW Golf

VW Golf

As they domain name suggests, they’re Belgium based website but the forum is open to all and there’s coverage from shows across Europe including the UK.


Japanese Retro Drift

January 19, 2009

I’m not sure whether it’s the done thing to mention directly somoene elses particular blog entry on your own blog?  Regardless, I was stumbling about this morning and found their entry with a downloadable and/or online viewable drift video from the Ebisu drift circuit(s) in Japan.  I waited the required several years for it to download on my ISPs excuse for “Broadband” and not soon enough but eventually, I was watching a spectacularly edited video with simple use of music and slow motion to add drama.  I think the large appeal of it was the majority of the cars are just street vehicles.

Those familiar with the Japanese drift scene will know of Ebisu as part of the D1GP, though I believe D1GP only uses the main circuit and Ebisu has several different circuits in it’s confines.  They are seemingly available to be used at whatever time, though I imagine it’s a matter of booking, etc. like it is at most NZ circuits.


Teretonga; Southern200

January 19, 2009

Most people go to this national event to look at the family cars pretending to be race cars.  Not me though, I go for the supporting categories and the cars in the car park.  Though today, I didn’t bother even taking more than a dozen photos of the cars racing and when I did it was only because I was on my way somewhere else around the outfield car-park.

The day itself was decidedly average, with scattered showers putting perhaps a few of the non-dedicated car enthusiasts off coming altogether.  I waited until at least 2pm before I spent my thirty dollars on buying a ticket to be allowed into the grounds.



I drove in, turned left, parked the car amongst the many others and began my journey of everything that wasn’t the racing.  Solely for you people!  Well… and for me, afterall there’s always something interesting to see.  Though from the moment I got in the gate I noticed that the turnout of older cars was a lot lower than it has been in previous years.  I assume most people had come on the Friday or Saturday when the weather was more inviting.  However, I was there to take pictures and that’s exactly what I did.


retro-classics wallpapers

January 17, 2009

As a celebration of getting the WordPress software and the website itself hosted on it’s own server, I thought I’d provide for download a small selection of photos that I’ve taken over the last few years at various events & locations.  Enjoy!

For Internet Explorer users, Right click on the photograph that you like then click “Save Target As…”;

For those with Firefox, Right click on the photograph and click “Save Link As…”;

Jaguar & Imp, Teretonga 07

This was a favourite of mine due to the fact that the SIDCHROME Imp, as once piloted by Jim Richards, was there.  The presentation of the MkII Jaguar was also simply amazing.  I do have a few more pictures of each car, if you’re interested in them just let me know.
