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Retro Videos; S4

April 16, 2010

Witness one of the coolest automotive creations, ever.

Video from

Just a few scans shared from the Parts Book I was kindly sent, the coolest thing about it was seeing the different versions that were available of the L38 360.  Check ‘em out!

Old 2 Door Series


So, seeing as Cameron is too lazy to post up about these missions himself, I figured I might as well share a few pictures that he posted up recently on the website;

How is that so slammed? Oh.. that's right.

Wait a minute....

There's TWO!

Sweet, sweet cars.


A little bit of digging about for something to watch while at work netted this little selection, I figured you chaps might be keen on an peep too. You can also see a few more 70′s videos as well as more other era’s of motor-racing videos on the uploaders profile page hotcakemix00

The other three after the jump…

Finally!  I apologise for the massive delay but getting through the renaming of 380 files and the deleting of many more took a lot longer than I anticipated, that being, I had to have many breaks to stop stoving my own head in with a shovel or similar.  HOWEVER!  it’s done now.  So enjoy..

Subtle Red, White & Blue.

Thankfully my girlfriend had a friend who lived on the second level of a building of the main street where the street parade took place, which meant I could get a decent amount of photographs without too many people getting in the way and that they were of a better angle (for the most part) than they could have been from shots taken on level par with the cars themselves…  (more…)