Shared by Mr. D. Carbonare on SpeedHunters, taken at the Tokyo Auto Salon.  Aesthetically this S30Z looks pretty…    ….average to poor.

I’m no fan of the TE37V and their ability to make stylish cars bland.  The bonnet in carbon would be alright, had they not added the god awful American muscle-look raised section, purposeful or not.  I’m also not a fan of that manner of air dam, it’s especially evident from the angle this photo is taken on that it seems more to distort the front end shape of a beautiful car than it does improve it.

Super-charged L-series

What IS awesome about the car, the L28改 3.1L stroker motor with super-charger attached.  I’m quite keen to find out what kind of numbers the car makes, you can read in the SH article itself that it’s estimated to be around 400hp.  Given what other awesome L-series I’ve seen in G-Works, I can imagine this being quite likely indeed.


Man, this theme took some serious tweaking and pissing about and everything else.  No doubt there’s still screwy bits here and there so if you see them, let me know.  It’s likely something I cannot bother to fix but at the very least, I will know.

Here’s a picture of a KE20 that I took back in September.   The surrounding content should look familiar to some of you northern hemisphere types, given the time of year.

Seen it all before, I'm sure.

Hope everyone likes the new look, too bad if you don’t.  I’m digging hard on the brown/beige/orange/white combo.


Maybe 2011 will be it’s year.  Here’s hoping as currently it’s languishing away in the garage looking very sorry for itself;

"...but they didn't make Skylines in 1973"

Donations accepted?


I recently received an email from Matt (of JNC fame) providing me the link to an “oddball ‘hatsu” .. how could one not click it?    I love me an odd car.  So I did just that, the inner workings of google chrome sent messages backwards and forwards and relayed to me, this mighty fine 70′s delight.  PLACE BETS.. NOW! (answer after “More”)

what manner of 70's Daihatsu is that?!
