
Fresh off the presses! (Internet presses)

Dates and location have just been announced for one of the best shows you could ever attend.  If you’re into retro cars and if you can only attend one event in the entirety of 2009 I would seriously suggest you go to this one;

Retro-Rides Gathering 2009

I made noises last year, as did a friend of mine, about attending this coming meeting though unfortunately due to a myriad of reasons it’s not looking likely for me… however with things going as they are with RR (only up!), I’m hoping I’ll be able to make the 2010 event instead.  There is still a slight chance of making ’09 for me but I’m not going to hold my breath.

For those of you who have the means and capabilties to attend this year, I say to you…


Held back on the 28th of September, 2008.  Was the Alexandra Blossom Festival Drags, though I’ve only been once before in my brother’s 1973 Datsun 240Z, this year I managed to hitch a ride along in my friend Matt’s R32 GT-R (you’ll see it featured in a few photographs)

Q vs. Q

Q vs. Q

The day was beyond beautiful, the sky was fantastically blue, the only detriment to this of course was that the track (an airport runway) and the air temperature for optimum performance, suffered slightly.  With that said though, Matt did manage a 13.5 in his first event on the drag strip.  Which I thought was most definitely worth the 2.5 hour drive from Invercargill.


Teretonga: 50th Anniversary

December 16, 2008

To those unaware, Teretonga is Invercargill’s race track.

Their website can be found here;

(click the picture to link)

Every year around the middle and tail end of February, the “Southern Festival of Speed” (a series that has events in Christchurch (Ruapuna), Timaru (Levels), Dunedin (Street Race) and as mentioned, Invercargill (Teretonga)) rolls into town.  Cars come from all over the  globe, the most recent one saw Can-Am cars (amongst others) take to the course, which was a very welcome spectacle to those who were used to much quieter modern machinery and your more typical Formula Ford affairs.

McLaren Can-Am Goodness

McLaren Can-Am Goodness
