
You might recall a post I made a little while ago about the Crazy Octopus and it’s progression from FC -> S30, where I left it, there was still some work to do and the iconic octopus itself had not yet made it onto the car.  This has now changed, not only is the Octopus now on the S30Z the suspension is well on the way to being finalised, if not being there already.   So without further delay, I present to you…

THE OCTOPUS (he is crazy)

You can see more shots of the Octopus on the car on Zach’s flickr account “here“, where you will also see such things as his installation of plexiglass in the doors as well as other sweet things like sorting out the ride height; (more…)

I can never see too many photos of this car;

1973 Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R Prototype Works Race Car (Rear)

1973 Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R Prototype Works Race Car (Front)


…in attack position!

FLAWLESS trackday, Taupo '10 (by decypher the code)

get that pesky R32!

Not 80′s enough for you? Then try this one on for size;


You know you have problems when you start buying parts for a car you don’t have…

You heard me.

DR30, Pre-Surgery 3-slat

A parts 30 Coupe came up on TM the other day, I wanted the grill, Ed wanted the FPC and given the car was in Auckland it made a lot of sense for him to pick the grill up on my behalf, stoked about that, cheers Edwardo von Tekamen.

I’ve been eyeing up R30 Coupes for years, there’s usually at least one on at any given time.  Currently there’s a nice KHR30 for sale in Palmerston North, unfortunately it’s a bit of a distance and I have no money to purchase at this point in time.  There’s also a couple of genuine DR30′s but they’re not really my thing, I’d prefer the L-series to the FJ-series, basically comes down to 6 vs. 4 cylinders for me.  There is a couple of coupes locally that I can enquire about again when I have some money to spend.

The important part is that when I do get one, I won’t have to put up with the ugly honeycomb or two slat type grill.  Yuck.
