External Projects


January 6, 2010

Hirst (of oldjapanesecar.com fame) recently bought himself a rather amusing but entirely awesome because of it, C32 Nissan Laurel Taxi.  No, not some attempted little novel conversion by someone outside of Japan but rather a genuine ex-Japan Taxi!  Complete with fantastical meter, roof lamp and even remote door opener!  Magic!  Check it out;

1992 Nissan Laurel (C32)

You can forgive the early 90′s build date in that the beginning of manufacture was well 80′s.  Continue for more pictures and the link to the project thread(s).


Pure, Undiluted Inspiration

December 15, 2009

Whilst scanning RR for another entry entirely, I stumbled upon this project which (for reasons beyond my comprehension) I had somehow missed previously as it has been about since August!  I was in awe from the get go and I figured I simply had to make an entry about it or I would be failing you the reader.   So without further delay, I present to you a 1963 Taunus  Transit Transporter project…

Start with one mint ’63 Taunus Transit Van that already had it’s own amazing project thread;

Restored, Modified, Enhanced.

Restored, Modified, Enhanced.

…and then cut it up;


Car Parts Sculptures

October 8, 2009

It’s not a new thing and it’s not entirely automotive, however the Southland Museum & Art Gallery currently has an exhibition from a chap who turns car parts (amongst other things) into sculptures.  There was a good dozen or more there but not all of them took my fancy, the Museums policy of “no flash photography” meant that my photos are below average, however they’re still good enough to show you people some of the more interesting ones;

The Metal, its ALIVE!

The Metal, it's ALIVE!

All these sculptures are by Chris Meder, feel free to look him up, he’s probably got something somewhere to ogle online.  Perhaps.  If you’d rather just see the few more shots that I took, click the more.


Monday.. yuck

October 5, 2009

I did nothing to my cars on the weekend, which I’m almost shamed by were it not for the fact that it was bitterly cold. I would have to allow the throwing of rotten produce in my direction.

Anyway, on to things of an automotive nature. I got given the link to this by El Pieso last week. It’s a flickr album of a chap with some wicked Automotive photography, Check out a few samples;

27 Dodge Sedan

'27 Dodge Sedan

55 Bel-Air

'55 Bel-Air


Some of you who have been reading this for a while may remember this post way back when that showed the horrible and disheartening story of an American chaps attempt to buy his dream car.  A General Lee replica Charger.

Although the digging and discovery taking place in my ’73 Skyline Hardtop isn’t quite to the same scale (so far, fingers crossed) that the Doom of Hazzard was I still sympathise with the man, how could you not?  Anyone who is into cars especially that of a classic or retro nature, knows the dramas involved with buying what is always a second-hand vehicle and the horrors you can find yourself in.

So it is a joy to see the completion of the mammoth task of fixing a million mistakes and I think all should take a good look through the entire thread (200 pages at current count), even if just as a warning of what you could expect.  Alternatively, you could watch this summarized 6minute video on YouTube;

Huge commendation goes out to the shop involved in the restoration, the task of remedying BK Autos failures was by no means a simple one, also to the owner himself, the perseverance is commendable in and of itself.  Fantastic to see it complete, I’m sure you’ll agree.

You can check out the thread, read the drama from start to finish, here;


...The End

...The End
