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I’ve been doing little bits and pieces on the 110 again lately.  I decided it would be easy to move it around if I hooked up everything to the L28 for it and put the transmission and the rest of the crap back in.  It’s taking a little while, mostly because the weather is shit and working in a cold garage in shit weather, is not fun.  I’ve got the flywheel and clutch all swapped over, the gearbox in, the slave cylinder all bled up and operating again.  The good news is that when i was checking clearances again today, with the gearbox on and everything bolted close to final measurements, I’ve discovered that I need not make any allowances on the headers for the steering linkages.  Yussss.  I did also note however that I need new outer rod ends.  Boo.

Still, here’s pictoral evidence of my pissing about…

L6 on Trips, can't wait.


I’ve had contact back that I was waiting for so with that now out of the way I can get onto posting the pictures up from the Teretonga Classic Speed Fest., that said, it’s too late in the shift to be doing it now so you can have another one of these singles and I’ll get onto proper stuff tomorrow so stay tuned for that.


Wings and Stacks, Exhausting.


Random Retro Snap; BTCC

February 27, 2011

From A to B of the TCC variety.

This car is quite A-Rouse-ing.

Historic Touring Car category of the Classic Speed Fest. was enviably awesome.


Ex-Jim Richards 635

In memory of the ATCC


Sorry for the delay, this CHC scenario has my head in a different space than is conducive to getting the blog sorted, so for an unspecified amount of time you’ll have to make do with drip feeds of images.

Still love this car, so amazing.
